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What is an Angle?

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What is Angles

An angle is a fundamental concept in geometry that describes the rotation or separation between two intersecting lines, rays, or planes. It is measured in degrees, where a complete circle equals 360 degrees.

Types of Angles

Angles are classified based on their measurement:

  • Acute Angle: Less than 90 degrees.
  • Right Angle: Exactly 90 degrees, forming a perfect L-shape.
  • Obtuse Angle: Greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
  • Straight Angle: Exactly 180 degrees, forming a straight line.
  • Reflex Angle: Greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees.


Understanding angles is vital for interpreting spatial relationships and making informed decisions in various disciplines. Whether measuring angles with a protractor in a classroom or designing complex structures, angles are a fundamental concept that bridges theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

Applications of Angles

Angles play a crucial role across various fields:

  • Mathematics and Physics: Essential in trigonometry for calculating sides and angles of triangles.
  • Construction and Architecture: Determine structural integrity and aesthetics of buildings and bridges.
  • Art and Design: Used by artists to create perspective and depth in compositions.
  • Technology: Crucial in the design and operation of machines, antennas, and electronic devices.